What is bio-DME

Dimethyl ether (DME) is the simplest ether, consisting of two methyl groups bonded to a central oxygen atom, as expressed by its chemical formula CH3-O-CH3. DME is used as aerosol propellant in the market because of its environmentally benign characteristics. It is not harmful to the ozone layer, unlike the CFCs that it replaced. DME is easy to liquefy and transport and it has remarkable potential for use as a fuel.

Why DME?

DME can be derived from many sources, including renewable materials (biomass, including municipal waste and waste from paper and pulp mills, wood, or agricultural products) and from fossil fuels (natural gas and coal).Thus, DME production offers greater flexibility with respect to feedstock. In terms of properties, like LPG, DME is gas at normal temperature and pressure, but changes to a liquid when subjected to modest pressure or cooling. This easy liquefaction makes DME easy to transport and store. This and other properties, including a high oxygen content, lack of sulfur or other noxious compounds, and ultra clean combustion make DME a versatile and promising solution in the mixture of clean renewable and low- carbon fuels under consideration worldwide. DME is also a promising diesel alternative because of its clean burning properties

Our DME process